Each year Immigration grants well over a hundred thousand green cards to people based upon their current jobs, careers, investments, or job offers. These include people who:
Have extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics
Are an outstanding professor or researcher
Are a multinational manager or executive
Are a member of a profession that requires an advanced degree
Have exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business
Are seeking a national interest waiver
Are a skilled worker (if your job requires a minimum of 2 years of training or work experience)
A professional (if your job requires at least a U.S. bachelor's degree or a foreign equivalent and you are a member of the profession)
An unskilled worker (meaning you will perform unskilled labor requiring less than 2 years training or experience)
Are a physician who agrees to work full-time in clinical practice in a designated underserved area for a set period and also meets other eligibility requirements
Have invested or are actively in the process of investing at least $1 million (or $500,000 in a targeted employment area) in a new commercial enterprise in the U.S. which will create full-time positions for at least 10 qualifying employees
If you don't qualify under this list don't worry. There are dozens of other ways for an experienced Immigration lawyer to get you a green card.
You can read our entire series, "Who Gets A Green Card?" below:
Who Gets A Green Card? : Through a Job or Job Offer
Who Gets a Green Card?: Special Immigrants
Who Gets A Green Card? : People Granted Political Asylum and Refugees
Who Gets a Green Card?: Trafficking and Crime Victims
Who Gets A Green Card?: Victims of Abuse
Who Gets A Green Card?: Those Residing Here Since 1972
Who Gets A Green Card?: Various Other Categories